Lets’ put ALL the cards on the table when it comes asset protection: GPS Trackers.
First, let me say I am absolutely amazed that we have allowed (not so legitimate/compliant) repo companies to continue to charge higher and higher fees… WITHOUT the hunt! (Please excuse the pet peeve rant). On behalf of the legitimate repo companies out there, they will spend some serious bucks on bonds, insurance, licensing…so for them, the price is more than fair! However, for “Repo Joe” who can never seem to provide copies of his bond, the pricing is incomprehensible, and I believe it is time to say goodbye.
GPS units come in 2 main categories: Economy and Performance. Now, having assisted thousands of BHPH dealers with their GPS acquisitions via several manufacturers, (I have a lot of contacts), it boils down to the exact same scenario…You will not, and cannot, receive the same performance from an Economy Unit as you would from the Performance one.
In 11 years, I have only encountered a handful of dealers who will spend the extra money on Performance units. They have never regretted it and still to this day, continue to buy them. Economy units come in a variety of flavors, including high FAILURE RATES. Generally, the cheapest units can have a 20-27% failure rate leaving your asset dead-in-the-water!
A frustrated call to tech support will end in someone telling you to someway somehow, get the asset on your lot and replace the unit. Um, hello… The asset is now up for repo and gone from the known universe, so what good is THAT going to do?
All of the dealers we work with know that Car Guys Agency has worked tirelessly over the years to find the BEST available for the price you want. For 3 years now, we have been working with EZ2GPS.COM; A Houston distributor for SVR GPS Units.
These units have a good box that can take the drastic Texas summers as well as an internal circuit board built to automotive specs. Not only is the structure impressive, SVR packed these units with a dual powered antenna (that will actually pull in a signal – not wait-to-acquire – for faster triangulation) AND a high dollar, performance-like accelerometers to alert you when the asset is being towed!
This is just the brief list of what a well-thought-out economy GPS unit can do for your business; Performance and quality for Economy rates!
Contact us at [email protected] or 281-424-9315 and Let’s Talk Shop! Our units are always available for sale on our website, www.cga.ez2gps.com for shipping or to pick up at auction on Fridays!